Wednesday, June 6, 2007


This makes me want to vomit all over the place.
It's the logo for the 2012 Olympics in London, just released a few days ago.

Maybe if it was a logo for a retro/80s inspired clothing label like Cassette Playa, then it would be acceptable,
but for the olympics?! Peter Saville supposedly said that the logo is "incredibly noticable, brave and confrontational." And, I guess it is all those things, but I think he meant it in a good way. Not so sure how I feel about Peter after hearing that.
Anyways, it was designed by Wolf Olins. Wow, hopefully since almost the entire design community is outraged by it, they will eventually retract it and get a better one. I mean their logo causes epileptic seizures haha...

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Random finds...

This the super-cute website for the Japanese clothing store E hyphen World Gallery.
Now if only they made their store locations in English so I could understand how to get to their store while I'm Tokyo!


Another Japanese clothing store that I cannot wait to go to is the tshirt company Graniph.
Besides all their great already printed designs, they just had a design competition, and had some really great submissions!
Above was the winner, but there are a ton of other nice designs that were runners up...


This is the work of Mike Perry. He does all kinds of handwritten type and illustration and such.

Also he has this book out, from what his site shows of it, it looks pretty good, could be nice for getting inspiration.
He works in Brooklyn and just opened a lil design studio about a year ago....hmmm...wonder if he does internships?...


I guess I'm in the mood for type-heavy design. This is Tauba Auerbach's work.
