Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Invitations by Sieger Duinkerken designed for exhibitions at de Gele Rijder in Arnhem, The Netherlands.

via today and tomorrow

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Thesis Post #43: Design side thought

Just thinking about the design of my thesis project. I think I am usually pretty strict with my typography and grid use and follow what I was taught. So this time I am really hoping to break some rules with this project, abuse the grid, do things to type I was taught you "aren't supposed to do," have a little fun and mess around. I don't think it will be too crazy because that just isn't my style, it'll also be restricted because I want to reference a kind of dry text-bookish aesthetic, and am only using b&w, but still, this is my final project in school and I am the only client I need to worry about pleasing so why not push the limits a bit while I can.


Thesis Post #42: An important definition


Main Entry:

       \prə-ˈspek-təs, prä-\


Inflected Form(s):
      plural pro·spec·tus·es

       Latin, prospect


1 : a preliminary printed statement that describes an enterprise (as a business or publication) and that is distributed to prospective buyers, investors, or participants

2 : something (as a statement or situation) that forecasts the course or nature of


Thesis Post #41: Insp

My thesis project is going to have a lot of scientific diagrams in it.
When I saw these, I got so excited. They completely irrelevant subject-wise, but are completely the aesthetic I am going for...


and more misc insp for layouts etc...





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(photos link)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thesis Post #40: Insp























(photos link)

