Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Sometimes I think I have OCD, but usually i just tell myself I'm an anal perfectionist.
It's only OCD if it starts to interrupt you daily life right?
Well, today has been one of those days that makes me wonder.

I was all done with my typography newsletter @ about 10am this morning, or so I thought...
13 hours later, and I am still moving the same tiny text box back and forth about 1/4".
This has been severely disruptive to my life today to say the least.

Last semester a teacher said to me,
"Wow, you are obsessive compulsive... but that's what's going to make you a great designer someday!"
I can only hope.

I guess the only other good part about my "tendencies," are that I can get as much enjoyment out of the
same 3-minute-long song after having it on repeat for 7 hours, as I did the first time.
(this time it is Cake's "Love You Madly," and it's still goin strong as I type this.)

p.s. My friend showed me this book today that she bought at MOMA...

It doesn't look horribly exciting from the cover, and the inside layout of it isn't either,
but, it has some really great stuff in it! I should probably buy it.

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